Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Breaking the routine to RENEW, Canoas, Brazil


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From August 7 to 16, 2014, the Spiritual Renewal Program for the elder sisters of the Our Lady Aparecida Province took place in Canoas, at their house Recanto Aparecida. The sisters had been looking forward to this event of spiritual renewal, and it became a reality for the 27 participants who accepted the invitation for a different pause in their lives. After the program, it was confirmed that at any age it is possible to renew and to reaffirm significant choices, as well as to create new motivations and strategies to live life with more intensity.

In spite of the limitations of advanced age and the personal fragility of each one of them, we affirm with certitude that the group walked with lightness and responsibility, being able to recall experiences lived throughout their life.

We look with much gratitude to the group of the elder sisters, strong and prayerful pillars, and support for our mission, for their fidelity in living out the irresistible goodness of God and his provident care.


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